Ski and Bow Rack
Here at Ski & Bow Rack, we pride ourselves on supplying locals and visitors with the most reliable outdoor gear to tackle the beautiful San Juan Mountains and beyond. Since opening shop in 1985, Ski & Bow Rack has risen as Pagosa Springs's total outdoor connection.
Wolf Creek Ski Area
Wolf Creek Ski Area is located 30 minutes from Pagosa Springs. Home to the most snow in Colorado, you're bound to have some epic powder days. Our base elevation is 10,300 ft.
Summit Ski & Sports
At the The Summit you’ll find Pagosa’s largest and most complete selection of ski and snowboard equipment, clothing and accessories. Amazing brands. quality products and service from people who know Wolf Creek, the snow…and how to help you enjoy it the most.
Pagosa Ski & Snowboard Rentals
If you’re planning to visit Wolf Creek Ski Area or Pagosa Springs, Colorado this winter come see us at Pagosa Ski and Snowboard Rentals. We work hard to make renting with us easy, fast and friendly. We invest heavily in the upkeep of our rental equipment so that your experience renting with us will be the best possible. This way your vacation will be all about making memories in the Powder at Wolf Creek!
Alpen Haus Ski Center
The Alpen Haus offers quality equipment for all your on-snow fun! If you’re looking for skis, snowboards, snowblades, cross country skis, or even sleds, chances are you can find it here! Our retail shop is chock full of great clothing, accessories, and souvenir t-shirts.