Have you ever dreamed of purchasing two lots which are located within walking distance of everything that downtown Pagosa Springs has to offer? Have you wished for a zoning scenario where all of your development wants and desires could be satiated? If so, then look no further.
The secret to maximizing your real estate return with mixed use properties is having a location which is destined to drive traffic to your investment.This lot and the adjacent lot which are being sold together sit right on a frontage road next to Highway 160. Thousands of potential customers and or prospects travel along this route every week. Being that these lots are in the mixed use corridor means that anyone wanting to develop these lots have a multitude of options.
Is high-density residential development your game? Or perhaps you want to build retail, office space, a hotel, a brewery, or a tourism related business. Or perhaps you want to combine a couple of these uses to create a mixed use development. If so this is the investment opportunity for you. Feel free to stop by the location and or call Chris Mott at (970) 880-2830 for further details.
Please note:
This property is designated in a MIXED-USE CORRIDOR (MU-C). The MU-C district is intended to allow for the vertical or horizontal mixing of uses, including some high-density residential, along major highways. Commercial uses are appropriate, including retail, offices, hotels, and tourism-related businesses. The district is intended to promote gradual development and redevelopment of existing commercial corridors to become more vibrant and attractive mixed-use areas that also contain some housing, offices, and light trade.