Is Pagosa More Expensive?

Matt Martin - Realtor, Pagosa Springs
All content is created and crafted by Matt Martin, a local realtor with Team M-Squared, Sherpa Real Estate. He guides clients by utilizing unique marketing skills that get listings and offers accepted.

The results will surprise you.

There's this myth out there that living in a mountain town is more expensive than the cities or suburbs. Why is that? Maybe it's because most people think of Telluride or Aspen when dreaming of the mountains. But there's plenty of other incredible mountain towns that offer an affordable cost of living. And Pagosa Springs happens to be one of them.

In this video we analyze the difference in cost between Pagosa Springs and mainly Midlothian, TX, your average suburb in the Dallas-Ft Worth area. We cover the following topics:

Restaurants & Entertainment

Spoiler many of these categories, Pagosa Springs is less expensive. To find out why, watch the video!

If you have any interest in living a more fulfilling and adventurous lifestyle in the mountains of Colorado, hit us up! We'd love to help you find the perfect home so you can live the life you've always wanted!


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